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Delving Deeper/0e Character Class: The Kobold Crew

I thought about making a Satyr Class for DD, and then realized that, with Boring Spells in play, the simplest way to model a Satyr would be just to use roll up a Magic User (probably an Illusionist) and use its Satyr-ness as the motif.

And it occurred to me that this could be a good way to handle pretty much any character race. Simply ask the player to describe what they want to play, and then ask them if that character is going to solve things by fighting, magic, or skill. Want to play an ogre or minotaur or lizard man? That’s a Fighter. A nymph or satyr or vampire is a Spell-caster run through Boring Spells. Your gnome or talking rabbit or animated scarecrow is an Adventurer. Angels and sufficiently religious-minded creatures of any species can be Clerics.

 Now, obviously, lizard men are better in water than minotaurs, and satyrs are better in daylight than vampires, but that could all be handled as role-play and off-the-cuff rulings.

So, I then immediately came up with a character class that didn’t quite fit into any of the above.

This class is heavily indebted to +John Stater’s Canting Crew Character Class.

You'll let me know if this is a terrible idea, right?

The Kobold Crew (or Band of Brownies, or Scrum of Gremlins, or Gang of Street Urchins, if you prefer)

Okay, so, not exactly this.
Kobolds are individually weak and have a strong tendency to bunch together in groups. Once kobolds attach themselves to a leader, they will literally follow them over a cliff.

The Kobold Crew is a multi-individual character class that advances by adding members to its ranks. This character begins as a single kobold, the Boss. Each time the character gains a new hit die, a kobold is drawn to join the Boss’ Crew. Each member of the Crew needs to be named, equipped with arms and armor, and hit points must be determined. Each Crew member attacks individually as a 1st level Fighter.

Kobold Crews attack in swarms and will never separate, Even in the face of direst peril, their instinct is to bunch closer together. When Kobold Crews take damage, it is the most recent addition to the Crew who takes damage first. When that kobold reaches 0 hp, it is dead, and the next kobold begins to take damage.

Lost Crew can be replaced the next time the Crew encounters a sufficiently large population of kobolds. Some outcast will be instinctually drawn to the group.

Kobold Crews fight and advance as Fighters. They cannot use large weapons, including long swords, long bows, or any two-handed weapon other than spears.

Each new member after the Boss brings some specialization to the Crew, determined randomly:
(1) +1 to grapple
(2) +1 to disarm traps
(3) +1 to locate secret doors
(4) +1 to hide
(5) 1 randomly determined 0th Order Spell (see Boring Spells)
(6) 1-3 new languages

When a kobold dies, the Crew loses that individual's specialization. If two or more kobolds share a specialization, the bonuses stack.

Kobold Level
Hit Dice
2nd Crew
3rd Crew
4th Crew
5th Crew
6th Crew
7th Crew
8th Crew








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