If you ever need to know the names of the individual goblins in a rabblement , roll for (or pick) a prefix and suffix for each. For the last goblin, roll on the outlier column. exempli gratia: Bugpimple Carpguzzle Mungplunker Stickaddle and Ginger D30 Prefix Suffix Outlier 1 Ache- Gros- Repo- -Addle Babycake 2 Alibi- Hat- Scab- -Bangle Beanpole 3 Bat- Huf(fi)- Sink- -Coddle Beetle 4 Block- Hump- Slap- -Dimple Buster 5 Boil- Itch(i)- Slink- -Flinger Chicken Butt 6 Bug- Jam(mi)- Slip- -Gurgle Coconut 7 Bump- Jot- Slop- -Guzzle Daisy 8 Canker- Krisp(i)- Snap- -Hopper Doc 9 Carp- Left- Sneek- -Inkle Ginger 10 Clod- Lemmo- Snot- -Jottle Granny 11 Cobb- Lick- Snoz- -Mongle Guy 12 Cod- Limp- Stick(i)- -Mottle Hamhock 13 Damp- Lump- Stink(o)- -Nozzle Howler 14 Dang(it)- Mimp- Tang- -Pimple Junior 15 Dig- Mung- Toot- -Plunker Monkey 16 Dit(to)- Mup(po)- Tot(ter)- -Popper Muffin 17 Dump- Must(i)- Tung- -Rankle Nibbles 18 Dung- Nogin- Ump- -Rassler Owlbear 19 Durp- Nono- Urk- -Riggle...
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