My brain desperately needed a break from a Greek-myth-infused graphic novel I'm working on, today, so I made some Greek-myth-infused TBH classes, instead.
HD: d6
Starting HP: 1d6+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d6
Maximum Armor: Light
Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 unarmed
Charming Music. Satyrs receive Advantaged CHA rolls while playing music. They must be able to play the music for 1d6 uninterrupted rounds before attempting the CHA roll. They can walk, dance, talk, sing, and dodge attacks while playing, but cannot go on the offensive.
Maddening Pipes. Once per day per Level, a Satyr can drive 1HD per Level creatures into a state of extreme emotion—usually panic or ecstasy. Panicked creatures will attempt to flee for 1d6+Level rounds. This requires a successful CHA roll, and a musical instrument.
Hedonist. Satyrs must make a WIS roll to resist opportunities to engage in pleasure.
Iron Gut. Satyrs receive Advantage on Saves relating to poisons or other ingested harms.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for DEX or CHA.
HD: d10
Starting HP: 1d10+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d10
Maximum Armor: Medium
Attack Damage: 1d8/1d6 unarmed
Bull’s Rush. If a minotaur begins at Nearby distance and can run in a straight, uninterrupted line at a target, the charging attack does 2d8 damage and will knock most targets down, requiring an action to regain themselves. This is an unarmed attack.
Labyrinth-Lost. Minotaurs have a terrible sense of direction, and roll with Disadvantage when trying to navigate.
Fighter. Minotaurs can make 1 melee attack per Level. This does not include charging attacks.
Rally. Once per day per odd-numbered Level, a minotaur can recover 1d8 HP mid-battle.
Civilized Minotaurs
Flowery Repose. You love flowers. You roll HP recovery with Advantage when you take a Rest among a bed of flowers. But you are also easily distracted by them. Roll for Initiative with Disadvantage when in the presence of flowers.
Uncivilized Minotaurs
Bestial. You consume the flesh of humans and other intelligent creatures. Roll CHA with Disadvantage for any purpose other than intimidation. But you’re resilient. Roll OoA with Advantage.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for STR and CON.
HD: d6
Starting HP: 1d6+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d6
Maximum Armor: Light
Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 unarmed (see below)
Flight. When flying, Harpies can travel to Far distance in a single round by forgoing all other actions. The hands at the joint of their wings cannot be used in flight. They can carry—but not manipulate—items with their talons while in flight.
Harpies can drop rocks and other heavy objects on opponents as a ranged attack for 1d6 damage. If they spend one round gaining altitude, they receive a +2 bonus to damage, but at +2 penalty to hit.
Talons. In flight, harpies can attack with their talons for 1d6+Level damage.
Siren-song. With a successful CHA roll (remembering to account for the target’s HD), a harpy’s song can compel 1d4+Level HD of targets to move towards her, heedless of any dangers or obstacles than may be in the way. The harpy can maintain the song for as long as she maintain concentration, but must re-roll (with Advantage) each subsequent round. Harpies lose this ability at 5th Level.
Stormqueens. At 5th Level, harpies gain the ability to, once per day per Level, control the weather. Changing general weather conditions does not require a roll. With a WIS roll, the harpy may create the following effects:
Lightening Strike. Can be directed anywhere within Far range. 1d4 per Level damage.
Snatching Wind. Affects 1HD of Targets per Level. A driving wind and rain knock over the targets and scatter their possessions to a Far distance. Targets must take one action to right themselves.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase.
Levels 1-4: Roll with Advantage for DEX or CHA.
Levels 1-5: Roll with Advantage for CON or WIS.
HD: d4
Starting HP: 1d4+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d4
Maximum Armor: None
Attack Damage: 1d4/1 unarmed (see below)
The Weaker Sex. Male harpies are smaller and weaker than the females. During character generation, if a male harpy’s STR is higher than their CHA, they must switch the two scores.
Flight. When flying, Harpies can travel to Far distance in a single round by forgoing all other actions. The hands at the joint of their wings cannot be used in flight. They can carry—but not manipulate—items with their talons while in flight.
Harpies can drop rocks and other heavy objects on opponents as a ranged attack for 1d6 damage. If they spend one round gaining altitude, they receive a +2 bonus to damage, but at +2 penalty to hit.
Talons. In flight, harpycocks can attack with their talons for 1d4 damage.
Arcane Spell-casting. Harpycocks can cast spells as a Conjurer of the same Level.
Spellbook. Harpycocks start with a large spellbook containing 1d4+2 spells from Levels 1 and 2. The spellbook cannot be referred to while in flight.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for INT or WIS.
HD: d10
Starting HP: 1d10+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d10
Maximum Armor: Medium
Attack Damage: 1d8/1d6 unarmed
Equine. STR counts as double for purposes of encumbrance. Roll STR with Advantage for purposes of hauling weight. Roll DEX with Advantage when determining travelling speed. A DEX roll with Disadvantage is required to climb ladders or steep stairs, and climbing a rope is impossible.
Archer. A centaur can make 1 ranged attack with bow and arrow per Level.
Rally. Once per day per odd-numbered Level, a centaur can recover 1d8 HP mid-battle.
Sunder Shield. You can sacrifice a shield to negate the damage from a failed Defense roll.
Civilized Centaurs
Stargazer. You know the night sky well, and can receive Advantage on WIS checks when navigating at night.
Uncivilized Centaurs
Wild. You receive Advantage on all rolls relating to outdoor survival. You cannot stand to be hemmed in in any way, and all INT and WIS rolls are Disadvantaged when you are indoors without a clear exit.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for STR and DEX.
An ulterior motive: I'm working on classes for my genre-hack of TBH, and this is sort of test to see if I'm doing an okay job balancing the classes. So, if something is looking untenably unbalanced, please let me know.
Weapons: I don't restrict weapons in TBH, because I feel like that's pretty well taken care of on the mechanical side by the damage-by-class rule, and I don't see a fluff benefit to it.
Armor: I just use Light, Medium, and Heavy armor. You can figure out how to apply that, I bet.
If I didn't just invent the word "Harpycock," please don't tell me. I'm happy in the belief that I did.
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Heinrich Kley |
HD: d6
Starting HP: 1d6+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d6
Maximum Armor: Light
Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 unarmed
Charming Music. Satyrs receive Advantaged CHA rolls while playing music. They must be able to play the music for 1d6 uninterrupted rounds before attempting the CHA roll. They can walk, dance, talk, sing, and dodge attacks while playing, but cannot go on the offensive.
Maddening Pipes. Once per day per Level, a Satyr can drive 1HD per Level creatures into a state of extreme emotion—usually panic or ecstasy. Panicked creatures will attempt to flee for 1d6+Level rounds. This requires a successful CHA roll, and a musical instrument.
Hedonist. Satyrs must make a WIS roll to resist opportunities to engage in pleasure.
Iron Gut. Satyrs receive Advantage on Saves relating to poisons or other ingested harms.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for DEX or CHA.
HD: d10
Starting HP: 1d10+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d10
Maximum Armor: Medium
Attack Damage: 1d8/1d6 unarmed
Bull’s Rush. If a minotaur begins at Nearby distance and can run in a straight, uninterrupted line at a target, the charging attack does 2d8 damage and will knock most targets down, requiring an action to regain themselves. This is an unarmed attack.
Labyrinth-Lost. Minotaurs have a terrible sense of direction, and roll with Disadvantage when trying to navigate.
Fighter. Minotaurs can make 1 melee attack per Level. This does not include charging attacks.
Rally. Once per day per odd-numbered Level, a minotaur can recover 1d8 HP mid-battle.
Civilized Minotaurs
Flowery Repose. You love flowers. You roll HP recovery with Advantage when you take a Rest among a bed of flowers. But you are also easily distracted by them. Roll for Initiative with Disadvantage when in the presence of flowers.
Uncivilized Minotaurs
Bestial. You consume the flesh of humans and other intelligent creatures. Roll CHA with Disadvantage for any purpose other than intimidation. But you’re resilient. Roll OoA with Advantage.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for STR and CON.
HD: d6
Starting HP: 1d6+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d6
Maximum Armor: Light
Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 unarmed (see below)
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Donna Barr |
Harpies can drop rocks and other heavy objects on opponents as a ranged attack for 1d6 damage. If they spend one round gaining altitude, they receive a +2 bonus to damage, but at +2 penalty to hit.
Talons. In flight, harpies can attack with their talons for 1d6+Level damage.
Siren-song. With a successful CHA roll (remembering to account for the target’s HD), a harpy’s song can compel 1d4+Level HD of targets to move towards her, heedless of any dangers or obstacles than may be in the way. The harpy can maintain the song for as long as she maintain concentration, but must re-roll (with Advantage) each subsequent round. Harpies lose this ability at 5th Level.
Stormqueens. At 5th Level, harpies gain the ability to, once per day per Level, control the weather. Changing general weather conditions does not require a roll. With a WIS roll, the harpy may create the following effects:
Lightening Strike. Can be directed anywhere within Far range. 1d4 per Level damage.
Snatching Wind. Affects 1HD of Targets per Level. A driving wind and rain knock over the targets and scatter their possessions to a Far distance. Targets must take one action to right themselves.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase.
Levels 1-4: Roll with Advantage for DEX or CHA.
Levels 1-5: Roll with Advantage for CON or WIS.
HD: d4
Starting HP: 1d4+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d4
Maximum Armor: None
Attack Damage: 1d4/1 unarmed (see below)
The Weaker Sex. Male harpies are smaller and weaker than the females. During character generation, if a male harpy’s STR is higher than their CHA, they must switch the two scores.
Flight. When flying, Harpies can travel to Far distance in a single round by forgoing all other actions. The hands at the joint of their wings cannot be used in flight. They can carry—but not manipulate—items with their talons while in flight.
Harpies can drop rocks and other heavy objects on opponents as a ranged attack for 1d6 damage. If they spend one round gaining altitude, they receive a +2 bonus to damage, but at +2 penalty to hit.
Talons. In flight, harpycocks can attack with their talons for 1d4 damage.
Arcane Spell-casting. Harpycocks can cast spells as a Conjurer of the same Level.
Spellbook. Harpycocks start with a large spellbook containing 1d4+2 spells from Levels 1 and 2. The spellbook cannot be referred to while in flight.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for INT or WIS.
HD: d10
Starting HP: 1d10+4
HP per Level/Resting: 1d10
Maximum Armor: Medium
Attack Damage: 1d8/1d6 unarmed
Equine. STR counts as double for purposes of encumbrance. Roll STR with Advantage for purposes of hauling weight. Roll DEX with Advantage when determining travelling speed. A DEX roll with Disadvantage is required to climb ladders or steep stairs, and climbing a rope is impossible.
Archer. A centaur can make 1 ranged attack with bow and arrow per Level.
Rally. Once per day per odd-numbered Level, a centaur can recover 1d8 HP mid-battle.
Sunder Shield. You can sacrifice a shield to negate the damage from a failed Defense roll.
Civilized Centaurs
Stargazer. You know the night sky well, and can receive Advantage on WIS checks when navigating at night.
Uncivilized Centaurs
Wild. You receive Advantage on all rolls relating to outdoor survival. You cannot stand to be hemmed in in any way, and all INT and WIS rolls are Disadvantaged when you are indoors without a clear exit.
Leveling Up. Roll to see if Attributes increase. Roll with Advantage for STR and DEX.
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Heinrich Kley |
An ulterior motive: I'm working on classes for my genre-hack of TBH, and this is sort of test to see if I'm doing an okay job balancing the classes. So, if something is looking untenably unbalanced, please let me know.
Weapons: I don't restrict weapons in TBH, because I feel like that's pretty well taken care of on the mechanical side by the damage-by-class rule, and I don't see a fluff benefit to it.
Armor: I just use Light, Medium, and Heavy armor. You can figure out how to apply that, I bet.
If I didn't just invent the word "Harpycock," please don't tell me. I'm happy in the belief that I did.
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