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4d20 Pill Rations

Sloooooowly, in drips and drabs, I'm working on my Buck Rogers-inspired Black Hack (so slowly because, this summer, I'm putting out a weekly webcomic and trying to finish the pencil-draft of a new graphic novel).

One of the special pleasures of writing this ruleset is trying to capture the feel of not just science-fantasy, but science-fantasy from the 1930s. I always find food to be very evocative of time and place. I've bored many players by providing a little too much description of the villagers' dinner.

Anyway, there's Pill Rations. They provide you with the experience of an entire meal. Roll to see what 1930s-style vittles are on the menu.

Baked Potato
Beef Steak
Anise Cookies
Boiled Chestnuts
Braised Sweetbreads
Apricot Sponge
Clam Broth
Buttered Beets
Corned Beef
Caramel Layer Cake
Candied Yams
Filet of Sole
Charlotte Russe
Cream of Barley
Chopped Apples
Fried Chicken
Cheese Plate
Cucumber Soup
Eggplant Fritters
Grilled Kidneys
Chocolate Éclairs
Devilled Eggs
Halibut Soufflé
Cranberry Sherbet
Fruit Cocktail
Glazed Carrots
Ham and Eggs
Figs and Nuts
Leek Soup
Green Peas
Lamb and Mint Sauce
Grape Meringue
Hearts of Celery
Liver and Bacon
Honey Nougat
Pigs in a Blanket
Pickled Beets
Oxtail Bourguinonne
Mincemeat Pie
Salmon Rolls
Ripe Olives
Pork Chops
Peaches in Jelly
Sausage Dumpling
Roasted Potatoes
Rabbit Fricassee
Persian Cream
Shrimp Puffs
Roast Ducking
Petite Fours
Split Pea Soup
Scalloped Turnips
Roast Squab
Pineapple Custard
Stuffed Mushrooms
Stewed Tomatoes
Scallops in Wine
Plum Pudding
Tomato Aspic
Stuffed Pepper
Shepherd’s Pie
Rhubarb Fool
Turtle Soup
Stuffed Lobster
Strawberries and Cream
Wax Beans
Veal Cutlet
Vanilla Custard Ice Cream
Watercress Soup
Zucchini Casserole
Welsh Rarebit
Waldorf Pudding


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