A fishbowl full of gems and undead snakes! This post documents content from the G+ 1d∞ OSR Obstacles Group, inspired by an article by Arnold K. , which discusses some pillars of OSR-style play, and, in particular, the need for open-ended problems. Goblin Punch: OSR-Style Challenges Goblin Punch: More Obstacles Many thanks to the contributors to this group for your generous creativity! Handy Haversack • Party is hired to steal an artifact from the hoard on a pirate ship tonight before it makes land. The artifact can cause all (demi/)human(oid) types in a logical area (building, dungeon level, ship, room, whatever makes sense in context) to sleep until it is deactivated (made by a *non*human-style species as a pacifier for slave labor). The contractor has someone on the inside on the ship but no way to ID him to the players or vice-versa. Otherwise, lots and lots of nasty pirates on the ship. Party or anyone who can get to it c...
joel priddy has a blog about role playing games