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Satyr Sub-Class: The Bacchante

These are the sorts of satyrs the Greeks and Romans loved to depict. They are usually found stumbling through the countryside in transient orgies, but they also seek out high-stakes adventures in order to more gloriously fulfill their vow of profligacy.

Is... is it okay to admit how pleased I am with the phrase "vow of profligacy?"

Walter Crane, Nymph Between Two Satyrs
Bacchante, The Blessed Revelers
Requirements: STR 13, CON 9, CHA 13
Prime Requisite: CHA
Hit Dice: 1d8
Max Level: 10

Bacchante are holy figures and greatly admired in satyr communities. It is their duty to give themselves over to a state of wild revelry.

May use any weapon.
Cannot wear conventional armor, and rarely wear clothes. May wear animal skins equivalent to leather armor.
Hit Progression and Save as Dwarf
May not use magic armor, wands, or arcane/divine scrolls.

Holy Debauchery: Must make a check against Wisdom to pass up offers of intoxicants or sex. If a bacchante successfully abstains four times in a row, they are no longer a bacchante. They lose all bacchante advantages, and must reroll all hit dice.

Vow of Profligacy: A bacchante must spend any money accrued by throwing lavish celebrations. A bacchante does not gain XP for treasure until it is spent in this way.

Ecstatic Frenzy: Once per day; +2 to hit and damage, until combat ends.

Dazzling Music: Beginning at first level, Satyrisci can cause powerful effects in others through music. They require an instrument, and prefer pipes, cymbals, castanets, bagpipes, and lyres.
Invitation to dance: One time a day per level, a satyr can perform a musical Invitation to Dance. This can be done while moving at normal speed. Instead of rolling on the normal encounter reaction table, roll 2d12 below:
2-3        Hostile, considering an attack
4-7        Uncertain, monster confused, listening to music
8-10      No attack, monster dances, conga line right out the door
11-12    Enthusiastic friendship
Panic: Once per day per level, a satyr can use music to inspire panic in others. This requires total concentration, and nothing else can be done while the satyr is performing. This triggers a morale check at -2 at any time, even if the creatures have previously rolled a 12. Undead and deaf creatures are immune.
Lullaby: A satyr can play soothing music to help willing creatures to sleep soundly. This can counter effects that might disturb rest needed for healing. The satyr must play for at least a full turn during the period of disturbance.

Horns: At Level 2, fauns grow rams horns that get larger and more intricately curved as they advance.

Tail: At sixth level, satyrs grow long, horse-like tails.

Create Fountain: At sixth level, a bacchante can, once per day, touch the ground with a thyrsus (a fennel staff topped with a pine-cone) and summon a spring of water, milk, or wine.

Thiasus: A Bacchante can never settle down and establish a settlement, but at ninth level, they will have attracted their own thiasus: a large retinue of ecstatic revelers. In addition to their permanent retinue, they will often be temporarily joined by locals from wherever they pass through.

1          Satyrisci            Dazzling Music; Ecstatic Frenzy            0                      1d8
2          Wild Faun        Horns 1d2                                                 1700                 2d8
3          Celebrant         Horns 1d4                                                 3400                 3d8
4          Ecstatic             Horns 1d6                                                 6800                 4d8
5          Goat                                                                                      13,000               5d8
6          Bacchante         Tail; Create Fountain                               27,000               6d8
7          Grand Bacchante                                                                54,000               7d8
8          Wild Sileni                                                                           102,000             8d8
9          Partylord          Thiasus                                                      204,000             9d8
10        Dionysi                                                                                324,000             9d8+2


  1. Wild Aegis was an AC bonus, but I'd decided against it. Forgot to strike it off the XP list, however. Thanks for catching that!


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