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B/X Character Class: Satyr

Lace and Steel cover by Donna Barr
I've been doing my best to put together a decent Satyr for a B/X campaign which will be lightly modeled on the world presented in Paul Kidd's old game Lace and Steel. 

After helpful suggestions from some fine folks on G+, here's the present draft of the satyr. It's a work in progress—suggestions and advice are very welcome. There's a reaction table I'm especially unsure about. You'll know it when you see it.

Average satyrs are quiet, decent folk. They might live in a glade with the dewy-eyed woodland animals, or in a farming hamlet, or run a cheese shop downtown. They're naturally charming, of course, and this is helpful in combating the salacious reputation saddled on them by the behavior of troublesome elements in satyr society (the Bacchantes, Calicantsars, and Sabbat Satyrs, about whom, more later).

Requirements: DEX 13, CON 9, CHA 13
Prime Requisite: CHA
Hit Dice: 1d6
Max Level: 10

May use any weapons, and any armor except plate armor.
Hit Progression and Save as Fighter.
May not use wands or arcane/divine scrolls.

Dazzling Music: Beginning at first level, Satyrisci can induce powerful effects in others through music. They require an instrument, and prefer pipes, cymbals, castanets, bagpipes, and lyres.
Invitation to dance: One time a day per level, a satyr can perform a musical Invitation to Dance. This can be done while moving at normal speed, or while capering. Instead of rolling on the normal encounter reaction table, roll 2d12 2d6 below:
2-3        Hostile, considering an attack
4-7        Uncertain, monster confused, listening to music
8-10      No attack, monster dances, conga line right out the door
11-12    Enthusiastic friendship
Panic: Once per day per level, a satyr can use music to inspire panic in others. It requires total concentration, and nothing else can be done while the satyr is performing. This triggers a morale check at -2 at any time, even if the creatures have previously rolled a 12. Undead and deaf creatures are immune.
Lullaby: A satyr can play soothing music to help willing creatures to sleep soundly. This can counter effects that might disturb rest needed for healing. The satyr must play for at least a full turn during the period of disturbance.

Horns: At Level 2, satyrs’ horns grow large enough to be used as weapons. The horns continue to grow larger and more intricately curved as the satyr advances.

Tail: At sixth level, satyrs grow long, horse-like tails. This provides no practical benefit, but they are very proud of them.

Woodland Fortress: Although Satyrs can be city and village dwellers, a satyr setting up a stronghold will probably seek the ancestral woods. A ninth-level satyr will attract a retinue of 1d10 satyrs (levels 1d4+1) with 1d12 non-combatant family members, and 1d6 non-satyrs (centaurs, onocentaurs, elves, nymphs, or other sylvan creatures).

1          Satyrisci            Dazzling Music                         0                     1d6
2          Faun                Horns 1d2                                 1900                  2d6
3          Buck                 Horns 1d4                                 3800                 3d6
4          Gruff                Horns 1d6                                 7600                 4d6
5          Gruff Hero                                                        15,000                5d6
6          Satyr                Tail                                          30,000                  6d6
7          Grand Satyr                                                      60,000                7d6
8          Sileni                                                                110,000                8d6
9          Papposilenus    Woodland fortress              220,000               9d6
10         Panes                                                               340,000               9d6+2


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