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5e Playable Lineage: Adaro

 This lineage was written for a Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign, specifically for my kid, who was enjoying the webcomic, Castle Swimmer, at the time.

Castle Swimmer, by Wendy Lian Martin


Encountered on land, the adaro appear as lean, aquatic humanoids, not unlike Tritons. They often have blue-gray undertones to

their skin, large black eyes, and mouths full of shrap, triangular teeth. In the water, adaro adopt their more common form—a

shark-tailed mer.

Most adaro live in large tribes that are tightly-knit. They are led by a council of chieftains elected by the people. Their behavior

is guided by complex mores and traditions which are ruthlessly enforced. Even minor infractions can lead to scarification,

banishment, or death. 

They often follow the paths of storms, and hunt those caught in rough seas. They are most fervent in their worship of Ugallu,

shepherd of storms, Pelagea, drover of the abyssal depths, and Tiamat, the primal ocean.

Adaro have very little sexual dimorphism and do not make distinctions between the genders in their own society. They have a

difficult time recognizing the gender of other peoples.

Adaro Names

Adaro have a single personal name. When dealing with outsiders, they will take the name of their tribe as a surname. Outcasts

bear surnames that warn others of their status.

Adaro Names: Alofa, Amataga, Elisapeta, Enele, Filemu, Iakopo, Kenese, Lagi, Lupelele, Malosi, Manamea, Noa, Olioli, Rangi, Salamasina,

Sefina, Sina, Tala, Taito, Tamar, Uati, Vasa

Adaro Tribe Names: Aitutaki, Bora, Epi, Mamanuca, Nukuroa, Oreor, Palau, Puluwat, Rarotonga, Suwarrow, Tuvalu, Ua Por, Vanuatu

Outcast Names: Accused, Adrift, Apart, Exiled, Damned, Forlorn, Friendless, Guilty, Judged, Lawless, Lone, Lost, Oathless, Ousted, Sole

Adaro Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2, and increase a different one by 1.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Jasconian, the tongue of the sea nations.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.

Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.

Aquatic Form. When in contact with water, you can, as a bonus action, shift into your aquatic form, changing your legs into a shark-tail and

growing gills. This transformation lasts until you use a bonus action to return to your humanoid shape.

In your aquatic form you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and you breathe water. Your walking speed is

5 feet, and you're considered prone while on land. You gain the Traits Blood Scent and Bite.

Blood Scent. (Aquatic form only) When in the water, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) rolls to detect or track creatures that are


Bite. (Aquatic form only) (Proficient Melee Attack) 1d6+STR piercing dmg

NOTE: I didn't want to call this lineage "Shark-tailed mers," although that's pretty much what they are. The name "Adaro" comes from Polynesian mythology, and I've used Polynesian and Micronesian names and place names, above. However, I don't have much direct knowledge of these myths, and can't claim to be any sort of a representative of Polynesian culture. If I've made any real blunders, here, please let me know!


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