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Harangue Your Enemies

I'm reworking my Adventurer class for Delving Deeper. For one thing, I'm probably going to call it the Expert class, and use "Adventurer" for what is now rather awkwardly called "the Combat Specialist."

Each type of Expert is also getting their own combat move. Subterfugue gets Backstab, Survival gets Ambush, Knowledge gets Calculated Strike. I was working on the move for the Communication Expert and decided to see if I could use the Turn Undead table.

+John Stater had mentioned the idea of testing other applications for this table, and, wouldn't you know, +Peter Fröhlich just happened to post an analysis of the table's math as I was in the middle of it. The resulting table is based largely on the numbers from +Dyson LogosAlternate Turning Table.

The move is Harangue Enemy, and the idea is that the Expert in Communication (a Bard, or Siren, or firebrand Preacher, etc.) would be able to speechify a real whammy on a group of creatures. The possible results are Flee (in which case they will continue to be a threat, but later), Surrender (which brings with it logistical issues), or Join (you made some converts, and now have extra henchmen).

There's still some details to work out, but since people are thinking about this sort of mechanic, I thought I'd throw it out there.

Compare the Expert's HD to the target's HD (3 HD could be one 3 HD creature or 3 1HD creatures), and roll 2d6.

Note that, unlike the Turn Undead table, nothing ever becomes automatic. It's nice to roll dice in a dice-rolling game. Some of the numbers dip down below what can naturally be rolled on 2d6. This leaves the GM with room for adding negative modifiers based on environment or circumstance.

Oh, and of course you could just play around with the Reaction Table, but I like that this gives the Communication Expert a distinctive mechanic to call their own.


  1. That sounds fun. Any idea how to include morale into the calculation of morale and surrender results? It somehow feels wrong of the elite guard surrenders as easily as the outraged peasants.

    1. I have to figure out a quite a lot before this is a real mechanic that can be integrated into the game. I just really wanted to show an example of using the Turning mechanic while other folks were on the subject. I would say, however, that the elite guards would have a higher HD than the peasants, right? So I think we're good!

    2. True, elite guards and peasants are probably not a good comparison as they have different hit dice. Still, there are plenty opponents of identical hit dice and different morale, let's say religious fanatics (high morale) vs. bandits (low morale).

    3. Good point. There are four groups that would require adjustments beyond simply referencing their HD:
      1) unintelligent monsters (not effected)
      2) animal-level intelligence monsters
      3) intelligent monsters that do not share a language with the haranguer
      4) zealots

      And, of course, this table really needs to be squared off with the existing Morale check.

      Plenty to think about.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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