In my Kley-inspired setting, I'm calling the thief and thief-adjacent classes The Sneak because it seems to address the tactics of the class. Fighters fight, Sneaks sneak. Sneaks can be thieves, con-men, spies, assassins, detectives, merchants, reporters, diplomats—anyone who chooses guile as their way of getting things done.
An ongoing event in the OSR Olympics is reworking the thief skills. They're an inelegant fit with the rest of the rest of the game, what with their exclusive claim on tasks that had previously been open to anyone who could describe their character doing something sneaky, and their weirdly low levels of competency. And yet they loom so large in the broader conception of what the game is supposed to be that it seems churlish to just excise them.
So here's my take, with the Sneak Skills.
These skills are based on the assumption that everyone can hide, and look for traps, and climb, and whatnot by rolling appropriate attribute checks. Sneaks, however, get automatic successes at their basic sneaky activities. Other skills become less a matter of if they succeed, than how long it takes (finding traps, picking locks). Skill checks are reserved for attempts to preform remarkable feats of Sneakery (hiding in shadows from active searching or disguising yourself as a specific person). And, at higher levels, they can do things that border on the superhuman, (hypnosis, spider-climbing).
A lot of different attributes are called upon for the different Sneak skills, encouraging either well-rounded thieves, or specialization in one's strengths.
This is very much a first stab at these skills (f'rinstance, I don't have an Advanced version of Sleight of Hand yet), so please let me know what could be improved!
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All illustrations in this post by Honoré Daumier |
So here's my take, with the Sneak Skills.
These skills are based on the assumption that everyone can hide, and look for traps, and climb, and whatnot by rolling appropriate attribute checks. Sneaks, however, get automatic successes at their basic sneaky activities. Other skills become less a matter of if they succeed, than how long it takes (finding traps, picking locks). Skill checks are reserved for attempts to preform remarkable feats of Sneakery (hiding in shadows from active searching or disguising yourself as a specific person). And, at higher levels, they can do things that border on the superhuman, (hypnosis, spider-climbing).
A lot of different attributes are called upon for the different Sneak skills, encouraging either well-rounded thieves, or specialization in one's strengths.
This is very much a first stab at these skills (f'rinstance, I don't have an Advanced version of Sleight of Hand yet), so please let me know what could be improved!
Sneak Skills
Acrobatics, Alertness, Ambush, Climb Walls, Code,
Disable, Disguise, Forgery, Poisons, Search, Sleight of Hand, Size Up, Stealth,
Begin with 5 Sneak
Every five levels, the
Sneak can either gain two more Skills, or a known skill can become Advanced.
New skills, including
Advanced skills, only count level bonuses for levels gained after the skill is
1. Acrobatics
Stay upright in most circumstances. Skill Test: Automatic
Safe Fall. Take less damage when falling from heights. Remove 10’ per level. Skill
Test: Automatic
Hazardous Acrobatics. A skill
roll is required when preforming under extraordinarily difficult situations,
such as balancing on a dragons back during a windstorm, or avoiding a trap
while under fire. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus
Avoid Traps. Pass traps without triggering them. Must be aware of the traps in
order to avoid them. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus
One a successful saving throw against an area attack, avoid all damage. May
move up to their entire movement rate during an evasion. Skill Test: Saving
2. Alertness
Lightning Reflexes. +1 to avoid surprise; +(level) to initiative. Skill
Test: Automatic
Keen Senses. Preform extraordinary feats of observation: seeing, hearing,
smelling, or feeling things that would otherwise be imperceptible. Skill Test: Wisdom
+ Level bonus
Detect Invisible. Skill Test: Wisdom + Level bonus
3. Ambush
+4 to hit when striking with surprise; add one dice of damage for every four
levels, or part thereof. Skill Test: Melee Combat
+2 to hit with ranged weapons when striking with surprise; add one dice of
damage for every four levels, or part thereof. Skill Test: Ranged Combat
4. Climb Walls
Can climb even sheer walls without apparent handholds. Skill Test: Automatic
Hazardous Climb. Skill is only tested when rushed by dangerous conditions, such as
strong winds or missile fire. Failure results in drop from half total height of
climb attempted. 1d6 damage per 10 ft. fallen. Skill Test: Strength + Level
Spider Crawl. Can climb overhangs, even ceilings. Skill Test: Strength + Level
5. Code
Thieves’ Cant. Fluent in the coded language of Thieves’ Cant without spending
Language Points. Skill Test: Automatic
Attempt to break codes and read unknown languages. Skill Test: Intelligence +
Level bonus
Read Magic. Can read and cast from magic scrolls. Skill Test: Intelligence. 10%
chance of misfire with unexpected results, whether success or failure.
6. Disable
Remove Traps, Pick Locks. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus
1st attempt: takes one
2nd attempt: three
3rd and subsequent
attempts: one turn each.
Reconfigure Device. Rework the circumstances that trigger, lock, or
unlock a trap, lock, or other device. Skill Test: Intelligence + Level bonus
7. Disguise
In Cognito. Obscure own identity enough to not be recognized. Skill Test: Automatic
Impersonate. To imitate a specific person or another race requires a skill roll
and a Disguise Kit. Without a kit, there is a -2 penalty for improvised materials.
Skill Test: Charisma + Level bonus
No longer need a disguise kit. The disguise can be maintained indefinitely. Skill
Test: Charisma + Level bonus
8. Forgery
Copy Document. Can make copies and derivations of letters, maps, official
documents, even artworks, given time, proper materials, and an original to work
from. Skill Test: Automatic
Counterfeit. Can lighten coins by recasting them with lesser materials such as
tin. Requires a metalworking shop. Takes one day per 100 coins. The lighter the
coins, the greater the chance of discovery. For every 10% by which a collection
of coins is extended, there is a 20% chance of people refusing them and officials
beginning an investigation. Skill Test: Automatic
Improvise Document. Roll to forge documents when working without
time, proper materials, or an original to work from. Skill Test: Intelligence +
Level bonus
Copy Magic. The forger can reproduce magic scrolls. An original is required, and
the process takes both one week and 100 gp per level of spell being copied. If
the Sneak cannot Read Magic, they still cannot read the scroll. Skill Test: Intelligence
+ Level bonus
9. Poisons
Handle Poisons. Safely work with poisons and maintain poisoned weapons. Skill Test: Automatic
Brew Poisons. One poison recipe per level. Skill Test: Automatic
Identify Poisons. A successful roll will tell the poison’s nature,
effects, and antidote. Skill Test: Intelligence + Level bonus
Identify Potions. Skill Test: Intelligence + Level bonus
10. Search
Find traps, secret doors, and other hidden details. One turn per attempt. Skill
Test: Intelligence + Level bonus
Detect Magical Traps. Skill Test: Intelligence + Level bonus
11. Sleight of Hand
Move and conceal items without being detected by passive observation. Skill
Test: Automatic
Pick Pockets. A 2 or less means the subjects noticed the attempted theft. Skill
Test: Dexterity + Level bonus – (1/2
Opponent’s Level, rounded down)
Active Conceal. Keep items hidden even when being actively searched by continually
moving them. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus – (1/2 Opponent’s Level,
rounded down)
12. Size Up
Detect Lies. Always know when being lied to by anyone of the same level of lower.
Skill Test: Automatic
Read Person. Determine level and class and alignment of another character. Skill
Test: Wisdom + Level bonus
Deductive Observation. On a successful roll, the GM will provide 1d3
accurate (but not necessarily relevant) facts about the NPC. Skill Test: Wisdom
+ Level bonus
13. Stealth
Move Quietly. Half movement rate, +1 to surprise. Skill Test: Automatic
With shadows or minimal cover, cannot be found by passive observation. Skill
Test: Automatic
Move Silently. Completely silent; automatic surprise. Failure means merely Move
Quietly. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus
Active Hiding. Cannot be found even when searched for, given shadows or enough
cover to move around. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus
Disappear. As long as there is an available exit, leave unobserved from a room
if others are distracted for even a second. Skill Test: Dexterity + Level bonus
14. Swindle
Always gets a 1d30 discount on purchases in markets where one is not known as a
swindler. But if the second roll is lower than the first, the result is a price
hike of 20%. Skill Test: Automatic
Ingratiate. A successful roll results in an NPC’s reaction raising one level.
Can be preformed multiple times for as long as the rolls succeed. Skill Test: Charisma
+ Level bonus
Intimidate. Force a morale check. Will not work after a failed Ingratiate roll. Skill
Test: Charisma + Level bonus
Can automatically put anyone who engages in conversation with them for more
than two consecutive rounds to sleep (subject allowed a Will Save). On
successful skill roll, can instill one belief in the sleeping subject, or make
one request. Skill Test: Charisma + Level bonus
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