The First Charter for the Reclamation of Tiberian Lands Cadafael XII, by the Grace of the Gods, King of Middlemarch, Defender of the Realm, crowned in the Light of Urizen, &c. WHEREAS the righteous Gods have returned unto the Wide Foundation of the World the lost and rediscovered lands of Tiberia, now bereft of the Governing Organs of Empire nor her Civilized Peoples, and; WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed subjects have made suitors unto us, that we would vouchsafe unto them our License, to make Habitation in that region of Tiberia commonly referred to as Battersea, and in other territories of Tiberia appertaining unto us; And to that End, are desirous that a company consisting of certain Knights, Gentility, Guildsfolk, Merchants and Adventurers should accompany them; We, greatly commending their Desires for the furtherance of so noble a Work, DO, by these Letters Patents, graciously accept of, and agree to, their humble and well-intended Suit; And ...
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