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5e Playable Lineage: Onocentaur, Updated

This is a very modest update of the 5e Onocentaur I've posted before, bringing it in line with the post-Tasha's world. It may be old hat already, what with the D&D One playtest.


Onocentaurs have the torso, arms, and head of a human, and the legs and body of a donkey. Shaggy donkey ears grow from their head, and buck teeth are common.

They are smaller than their wild cousins, the noble centaurs, and more adapted to life among humans. They fit more easily into human-scaled buildings, and are much better climbers—Onocentaurs have an easy time navigating stairs and can even learn to climb ladders.

They are rustic creatures, often living on the rural outskirts of civilization, making their living close to the land, as farmers, herders, and artisans. They do not have a distinct culture of their own, adopting the customs and modes of the region.

Onocentaurs are often figures of ridicule. They are considered obstinate, dull, and unintentionally comical. An onocentaur might counter that they are steady, independent, and uninterested in the pretensions and fripperies that distract others.

Onocentaur Names

Onocentaurs prefer short, simple given names, paired with an occupational name.

Onocentaur Given Names (Male): Able, Alvy, Buck, Cob, Cort, Huck, Jed, Kipp, Lark, Lucky, Od, Pike, Plum, Till, Tom, Tuck

Onocentaur Given Names (Female): Clover, Dot, Edda, Fern, Hatty, Hazel, Josy, Kitty, Lil, Luella, Loxy, Mabby, Maple, May, Pell, Wilmy

Onocentaur Occupational Names: Baker, Carter, Cheesman, Cooper, Fisher, Gardner, Mason, Miller, Slater, Tapper, Timber, Turner, Woodward

Onocentaur Traits

Ability Score Increase. Choose one: (a) Increase one ability score by +2, and increase a different one by +1; (b) Increase three different ability scores by +1. 

Languages. You can speak, read, and write the Common Tongue of your region,  and Buree, the birth-tongue of Onocentaurs.

Size. Onocentaurs are Medium creatures. They are about the height of a human, as long as they are tall, and weigh around three times as much as a human of the same height.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Asinine Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag. When you make a climb that requires hands and feet, such as a ladder or rope, each foot of movement costs you 2 extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot.

Donkey Kick. If you are the target of an opportunity attack while moving away from the attacker, you may use a reaction to strike with your hooves.

Drover. You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.

Hooves. (Proficient) 1d6+STR bludgeoning dmg

EDIT: this post was updated to include fluff.


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