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The Ruined Tower of Zenopus Prep Notes, Part Four

Continuing my fluffy prep for The Ruined Tower of Zenopus, Zach Howard's 5e adaption of Holmes' Sample Dungeon.
Room A
Rooms B-E
Rooms F & G

Past Room G, I've done a lot less to the rooms. Most are pretty much as you'd find them in Zach or Holmes.

H. Underground River
A rectangular room with a high vaulted ceiling. The stone walls are carved in bas-relief of strange sea-creatures bearing spiraled shells and sinuous tentacles.

An icy river runs through this room, originating from a cascade of water pouring down the east wall.

I. The Bronze Head of Zenopus
I felt the need to clarify how well the Bronze Head can answer its question:

The Bronze Head knows about Zenopus and his research, which was extensive. It can answer nearly any knowledge or lore question, although the information may be a few hundred years out of date. The mask can also check in on the present state of the dungeon. It does not know anything of what has transpired outside the dungeon since Zenopus disappeared.

J. Spider Lair
As per Zach and Holmes.

K. Sandy Beach
Roughly 70x140’
A natural cave of mundane rock, with sand-banked beaches on either side of the river. The water is wider, slower, and more shallow than in Room H, making it easily swimmable.

L. Crab Lair
Roughly 70’ diameter
Circular cave, dimlylit by phosphorescent, algae growing on the walls.
The river is only 3-4’ deep, and can be easily crossed.

Hidden in the sand is a giant crab. PCs may notice broken shackles on its claws. It ran from servitude in Bandar Arzoo, and has hidden here, trying to avoid discovery by the pirates. It is convinced anyone who enters is here to take it back to its cruel master.

The crab’s shell can be fashioned into extremely durable (and fashionably orange-hued) plate mail for a cost of 1000 gp. However, crabfolk are commonly used for labor in Bandar Arzoo, and wearing one’s shell would be considered crude by humans, and a violent provocation by the crabs.

The crab undertands enough Parsasian to follow simple commands, but cannot speak it.

M. Sea-Cave
Roughly 90x200’
Two rowboats pulled onto the beach, 4-8 smugglers playing cards in one boat.

Lemunda is tied up in the second boat. There are also several parcels of meat wrapped in oiled paper.

Stacked on the beach are clay pots full of fine oil and some crates of rum.

The pots of oil are worth 1000 gp to the right buyer. The rightful owner from whom they were stolen will provide a 250 gp reward for their return.

Lemunda’s family will pay the party 100 gp for her rescue, but will up it to 100 per PC if the oil is returned, to avoid the impression that their daughter is worth less than a shipment of oil.

The crates of rum can be sold for 10 g each, after taxes, or 15 each on the black market.


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