Beyond the Wall has a lovely, simple weapons mechanic. The only mechanical distinction between weapons is melee or ranged, and the amount of damage. Weapons can do 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, or 1d10, and all weapons within a given damage range cost the same. You can call your 1d6 melee weapon a short sword or a cutlass or a bearded axe or a mace—it's all the same.
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Wound Man |
I much prefer this to AD&D style weapons charts with all sorts of granular damage rates, which seem primarily derived from arguments over why a claymore is better than a carp's tongue and oh my god how can you not know what a carp's tongue is?
But I still felt the urge for some mechanical distinction between weapons. So, this.
The Critical effects of each weapon are for natural 20's and 1's only, and are only suggestions. Always go with what is situationally most appropriate.
Dagger, Knife
D4, 4 Coppers
Can use either the STR or DEX bonus to hit in melee. Can be
thrown; Range: short.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Dropped Weapon. Requires 1
round to retrieve. Contested DEX rolls if someone else wants it first.
D4, 4 Coppers
A character is at -2 AC against melee when using a sling.
Slings use stones for ammo, which are free. Range: medium
Critical Success: Stunning Blow. Target is stunned for one
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon. Can be
repaired when making camp.
Club, Hammer
D4, 4 Coppers
+1 against small or prone creatures (anything positioned at
half the wielder’s height).
Critical Success: Stunning Blow. Target is stunned for one
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Dropped Weapon. Requires 1
round to retrieve. Contested DEX rolls if someone else wants it first.
D4, 4 Coppers
A character is at -2 AC against melee when using bolas. On a
successful hit, the target is entangled, requiring 1d4 rounds to free
Range: medium.
Critical Success: Stunning Blow. Target is stunned for one
round, as well as entangled.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon. Can be
repaired when making camp.
Wooden Practice Sword, Baton, Most Improvised Weapons
D4, 4 Coppers
Critical Success: Stunning Blow. Target is stunned for one
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon.
D6, 8 Silvers
Two-handed. +1 to Initiative, as long as there is sufficient
room (not close quarters).
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon. Can be
repaired when making camp.
Throwing Spear, Javelin
D6, 8 Silvers
Range: medium; -2 for
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon. Can be
repaired when making camp.
D6, 8 Silvers
Two-handed. Gives an extra +1 to AC when used in the
Defensive Stance.
Critical Success: Broken Bone. Movement halved; -1 to
actions until healed.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon. Whittle a
new one when making camp.
D6, 8 Silvers
+1 against small or prone creatures (anything positioned at
half the wielder’s height).
Critical Success: Broken Bone. Movement halved; -1 to
actions until healed.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Damaged Weapon. Will break
on next critical failure, unless repaired.
D6, 8 Silvers
Ignore the AC bonus from shields.
Critical Success: Stunning Blow + Bleeding Damage. Target is
stunned for one round, and then loses 1 hp per round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Damaged Weapon. Will break
on next critical failure, unless repaired.
D6, 8 Silvers
Two-handed. A character is at -2 AC against melee when
shooting a bow. Arrows cost 20 for 1 sp. Range: medium; -2 for long.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken String. Can be
replaced in one round.
Short Sword
D6, 8 Silvers
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Damaged Weapon. Will break
on next critical failure, unless repaired.
D6, 8 Silvers
Uses the DEX bonus instead of STR.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Dropped Weapon. Requires 1
round to retrieve. Contested DEX rolls if someone else wants it first.
Hand Axe
D6, 8 Silvers
Can be thrown. Range: short.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Dropped Weapon. Requires 1
round to retrieve. Contested DEX rolls if someone else wants it first. If
thrown, lost.
D6, 16 Silvers
Holds six shots. Firing more than one bullet per round gives
+1 to hit and +1 damage per additional bullet fired. Bullets cost 1 copper
each. Range: medium; -2 for long.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Jammed Weapon. Takes one
round to clear. 50% chance of exploding on next jam (1d4 damage to bearer)
until repaired.
Long Sword, Battle Axe
D8, 16 Silvers
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Damaged Weapon. Will break
on next critical failure, unless repaired.
Long Bow
D8, 16 Silvers
Two-handed. A character is at -2 AC against melee when
shooting a bow. Arrows cost 20 for 1 sp. Range: long; -2 for very long.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken String. Can be
replaced in one round.
Great Sword, Great Axe
D10, 32 Silvers
Two-handed. Requires STR 13 or greater to wield.
Critical Success: Stunning Blow + Bleeding Damage. Target is
stunned for one round, and then loses 1 hp per round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Damaged Weapon. Will break
on next critical failure, unless repaired.
Halberd, Lance
D10, 32 Silvers
Two-handed. +1 to Initiative, as long as there is sufficient
room (not close quarters).
Critical Success: Stunning Blow + Bleeding Damage. Target is
stunned for one round, and then loses 1 hp per round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Broken Weapon.
D10, 32 Silvers
Breach-loader. Fires one bullet per round. A character is at
-2 AC against melee when shooting a rifle. Bullets cost 1 copper each. Range: long;
-2 for very long.
Critical Success: Bleeding Damage. Target loses 1 hp per
round until medical attention.
Critical Failure: Reflex Save or Jammed Weapon. Takes one
round to clear. 50% chance of exploding on subsequent jams (1d4 damage to
bearer) until repaired.
Cop-to: There's some Goblin Punch DNA in there.
Feedback/corrections/alternatives are welcome!
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