Finishing my fluffy prep for The Ruined Tower of Zenopus, Zach Howard's 5e adaption of Holmes' Sample Dungeon! Room A Rooms B-E Rooms F & G Rooms H-M Rooms N-S3 Random Encounters This list is a merging of the Wandering Monsters table from The Ruined Tower of Zenopus and Zach Howard's d12 Hauntings in the Dungeon of Zenopus . I've provided 5e Stats for the hauntings and for standard wandering monsters, but not for a creatures unique to The Ruined Tower. You should go but it. Highly recommended. The numbers are for a 1st level party of 3-5 characters; double them for a large or 2nd level party. Unique encounters occur only once, and should be re-rolled afterwards. 1-2. Goblin Patrol 3-4. Stone Skeletons 5. Giant Rats 6. Giant Crabs 7-8. Smugglers 9. Fancy Ghoul 10-11. Cleaning Cube 12. Unique: Split Shadows 13. Unique: Ghost Crabber 14. Sand Storm 15. Sea Fog 16. Unique: Armored Zombie 17. Unique: Abandoned Familiar 18. Sc...
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