I'm considering running The Maze of The Blue Medusa , set in Yoon-Suin, The Purple Land. Slug-Folk The hermaphroditic Slug-Folk occupy the highest social castes in Yoon-Suin, The Purple Land. Each family has a patron god, who bestows power and favor upon them. HD: d8 Starting HP: 1d8+4 HP per Level/Resting: 1d8 Maximum Armor: Medium Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 unarmed Social Standing. Slug-men receive Advantaged CHA checks when the status of their family comes to bear. 1d6 Family Background 1-2 Oligopolist (opium, tea, or slave traders) 3 Criminal (smugglers) 4-6 Brahmin (sages, tax collectors, archivists, poets, bureaucrats) Blessed Flesh. Being invertebrates, Slug-folk receive Advantaged STR saves against crushing damage. Spell-casting. Beginning at 2nd Level, Slug-folk follow the Cleric’s spell progression. Character Level Spell Slot Level 1 2 3 ...
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