I ran an birthday party-adventure with a group of 9 kids of mixed ages and various levels of experience with RPGs. The Party Favors Favors An adorable monster notebook to keep track of things, and a set of polyhedrals . Mechanics The rules were mostly Sword & Backpack / Fluid Fundamentals. That is, pretty much just "roll a d20 and hope it's high." I used the Fluid Fundamentals idea of Room DCs, which made keeping track of everything very easy (which proved vital, as the chaos around the table was high, and I'd have lost half the party if I'd ever stopped to look anything up). There were lots of scrolls lying around, and the spells were Maze Rats . It was fun watching kids figure out spells from names like "ectoplasmic form" and "enveloping insect." And I looked for lots of opportunities to make kids roll the different types of dice, so they could try out their whole set. Chargen There were no attributes or class...
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