Heinrich Kley Moon Frog Duelist Moon Frogs look like large Earth frogs, except more colorful and preferring to stand upright. They live in open palaces of silver filigree on the Light Side of the Moon and are flamboyant, dramatic, and vainglorious. Every Moon Frog, no matter their station, has a long name, an aristocratic title, a storied lineage, and an elaborate network of alliances, feuds, and intrigues with seemingly every other Frog on the Moon. HD: d6 Starting HP: 1d6+4 HP per Level/Resting: 1d6 Maximum Armor: Medium Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 unarmed Sword Bond. Moon Frog Duelists dedicate themselves to a type of hand weapon (usually silver moon-sabre, but it could be any melee weapon, including Two-Handed weapons). Attack: Once per day per Level, an attack with this weapon is Advantaged. This attack does 2d6+Level damage. Defense: Once per day per Level, you can automatically succeed in a Defense roll, even if it makes no sense (such as parrying a death ray, or ...
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