I'm working on some playbooks for quick character generation for a group a kids in an effort to keep chargen to five or ten minutes. I'm using S&W Whitebox, with bits of Holmes and whatnot tucked in here or there. There should be just enough fluff to give the characters some distinction without everyone mulling for half an hour about what makes their guy special. Wizards are differentiated by randomly selected spells; fighters roll for backgrounds. Clerics don't get spells at first level, so they needed something. Like a patron deity. Roll 5 d20s to generate a patron deity. 1 Arn- -azee The Burning… …Bull… …of Ancestors. 2 Bur- -ex The Quiet… …Mother/Father… …of The Sun. 3 Col- -gam The Rebellious… …Frog… …of Legend. 4 Dre- -hys The Angry… …Thunder… …of Sleep and Dreams. 5 Ens- -isos The Shining… …Wa...
joel priddy has a blog about role playing games